massage schoolsIt’s no secret that massage therapy can be an extremely beneficial skill to learn and make a career out of. What many thought was nothing more than a relaxation technique is now recognized by medical professionals all over the world, with 40% of hospitals around the world now offering massage therapy services.

But as with any other profession or higher learning institution, not all massage schools are created equal. It is estimated that there are 325,000 to 375,000 massage therapists and massage school students in the United States, and each and every one of them attended a school with its own benefits, services, and areas of expertise. It can be understandably difficult to make a decision, especially if you don’t quite know what you’re looking for in massage therapy schools. Here are just a few considerations to keep in mind when looking for a massage program that suits your needs.

Massage therapy has proven medical benefits, so it shouldn’t come as any surprise that there’s a significant amount of science involved in massage education. Any schools you’re considering should have sufficient science-related courses, including Physiology, Pathology, Anatomy, and Kinesiology. These courses should go far beyond simply teaching students the basics or bare minimum amount of material. Furthermore, the instructors should absolutely have extensive knowledge and expertise regarding these specific sciences and be able to answer any questions students ask with ease.

Aside from coursework, any massage schools you’re considering should also be fully accredited and approved by the state. Accreditation and approval are two different processes, and each state has different laws when it comes to gaining approval. Common accreditations include The Commission of Massage Therapy Accreditation and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. Don’t disregard this critical detail — it can absolutely affect your employment opportunities upon graduation, not to mention that any school without accreditation is almost guaranteed to provide subpar education.

Areas of Specialty
Finally, you may want to consider a school with a certain area of specialty that especially interests you, such as cosmetology, skincare, or nail technology. A school with a wide variety of education areas allows you to tailor your education around the subjects you’re most interested in and can provide essential knowledge for your career.

Ultimately, understanding how to find the massage school that’s right for you is the key to getting a high-quality education that will truly give you the tools you need to succeed. For more information about Jacksonville massage schools, contact The Parisian Spa Institute.